
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Welcome, October!

Happy October, everyone!

October is one of my favorite months!(December is my other favorite!)

I just love the cooler weather that October typically brings.  That crisp Fall air that feels so good when you put on a comfy sweatshirt or sweater!  I love the apple picking we will do this month, the football Sundays....(but I did not like this week's football Monday!  Let's hope the Patriots can turn things around!), the beautiful leaves changing, our anniversary, and a bunch of great saint celebrations this month, too.

Today is one of the Church's heavy hitters, St. Therese of Lisieux.  St. Therese has a special place in our heart because our daughter, Therese, was conceived on her feast day after I had prayed to St. Therese for a baby girl.  Even though our Therese only lived a short time, I know that there were many special graces given to us during her short life through her namesake's intercession.

Tomorrow is the day we celebrate our Guardian Angels...and there are a few angels in particular in our family that must work some serious overtime!  Sarah in particular has always been drawn to the Guardian Angel Prayer, and now we are trying to teach Luke the prayer, too.

October 4th is St. Francis of Assisi's special day. 

Three big days just in the first week!  It sets the tone for this month that always brings a little extra happiness to my heart!

This year, there's a special family event happening at the end of October.  My sil, Julie, and her fiance, Tom, are getting married!  The countdown is on...24 days left until the new Mr. and Mrs. will take their vows!  

So exciting!

In other news, I'm working with Ellie and Luke's school principal to put together a book club for moms.  We are going to go through the Momnipotent study by Danielle Bean.  

What does Momnipotent mean you may ask?

Mom-nip-o-tent: (adj)Momnipotent_study_3_pack
    1. Possessing a certain special array of gifts, given by God and lived out in particular through the vocation of motherhood, that blesses the family and the world.
    2. Having the ability to find lost socks, make dinner, break up fights, soothe tears, answer upwards of 1000 questions per day, and wipe noses like a ninja.
I read Momnipotent with my book club over the summer.  It was an easy read because it had short chapters and was very easy to relate to! 

When we picked it up this summer, I kept thinking what a great book it would be for a large group.  Us moms need some encouragement and a better perspective every once in a while.  (Of course, the time talking to other grown ups helps immensely, too!)

When I shared the book with our principal, who is also a mother of several school age children, she agreed and now I am on an adventure!  

Getting moms to take time out of their busy lives to focus on themselves is no easy task!  Hopefully, the letters being sent out inviting moms to join us will touch some hearts...and some gentle(or not so gentle!) nudges by the Holy Spirit will get moms to sign up!:)

We will see!  

I have to do some nudging myself!  Little did my book club friends know that when we happily read the book this summer, with all of our cherubs hurtling themselves around us, that I would be trying to enlist them to be small group leaders come Fall!  

Life is certainly never dull!  

Enjoy the first day of October....and keep your eyes peeled for roses from Heaven!:)

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