
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Throw Back Thursday and busy, busy, busy!

Two more days!!!!!  I'm so excited for my sil as All Things Bridal week continues!
Image result for bridal cartoon pictures

This week has been chock full of all our regular commitments and the extra things that need to be done/thought out so our family will be ready for the wedding!

Last night was the second meeting of the Momnipotent book study I'm running at Luke and Kate's school.  I think it went really well!  The topics and conversations have been really inspiring...and spending time with other women sans kids is a great break!

On the agenda this morning is playing catch-up with laundry and dishes and, hopefully, prepping dinner!  I also need to make a grocery list to pickup the items I need for the weekend!  After lunch, I have an appointment with both my sister-in-laws to get mani/pedi's for the big day!  A little bit of girl time and another item crossed off the list! 

Later on this afternoon will be a haze of volleyball pick-up, basketball drop-off, dinner, basketball pick-up, and doing the paychecks for my parents business!  Whew!  Not a lot of breathing room!

Tomorrow will be even crazier!  Jay took the day off for our anniversary so we can spend at least part of the day together.  Hopefully, the day will start off with Mass to give God thanks for each other!  Then we plan to go out for breakfast together with Kate in tow!  Part of our together time will include grocery shopping and a trip to the mall because I'm running low on foundation.(so romantic, huh!?!)  Then Luke's pre-K class has a costume parade at 1, Sarah has a volleyball game at 3:30, and we have to be at the church at 6 for the rehearsal!  At least we will be together most of the day.  I'm hoping in the next couple weeks he can take a Monday off when my parents can help with the kids for the day and we can have a real "date day"!

Anyway....let's just chalk it up to say we are busy!  Since my earlier posts in the week were a little, umm, wordy...I thought a short, sweet post was just what was needed for today!  

Without further ado....Throw Back Thursday, Wedding Style!  It's hard to believe that 22 years ago today we were getting ready for our own rehearsal dinner!  Honestly, the whole wedding went by in a whirlwind!  It's amazing how much planning and prep goes into a day that goes by with a blink....but it certainly was one of the most special day of our lives!

...and i'm off to tackle my giant to-do list!  Have a great Thursday!

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