
Friday, October 10, 2014

Hooray for Long Weekends!

Long weekends are the best!  I love going to bed on Sunday knowing that we get to do it all again on Monday!

1.  Everybody's Coming Home!
With a long weekend, both my 'away at college' sons will be home.  I'm looking forward to some family time.  Of course, it won't be a weekend full of family time because the older kids have plans with their friends, too!  But, it's always nice to have everyone sleeping under the same roof...even if it is only for a couple of nights.

2.  Trying to Plan
There are so many things I would love to squeeze in this weekend!  Unfortunately, I have things to schedule around.  Jon is planning a get together here with his friends Saturday night.  The Patriots game is on Sunday afternoon.  There's a youth group meeting on Sunday night.  On Monday, Jay and Andrew are going on the Boston Pizza Tour. (This is Andrew's VERY belated high school graduation present!...I know *horrible parent alert!*)

So....I don't know how much I will actually do outside the house this weekend!  I know that we are planning to go for our yearly apple picking/tractor ride/pumpkin picking outing on Sunday once the older kids get back from breakfast with my grandfather.  That means there will be apple pies and crisps being made Sunday afternoon!

I'm thinking about doing a big corn maize with whoever is around on Monday.  I have to see what the interest level is for the older kids first.  Whatever we do, I hope it's something outside because I love this time of year!

3. Surprise Package
The other day, Jon was complaining that our house is "the most boring on the block" when it comes to Halloween decorations.  That doesn't phase me...I'm not into Halloween.  I like Fall decorations:)

Well, yesterday Jon asked if he got a package.  I thought he meant his girlfriend was sending him something but it turns out Jon ordered something online. was waiting for me when I get home today....

 ....Peter is very excited about it!

4.-7. Field Trip Fun

Today I chaperoned Luke's field trip to a local farm.  Luke and his cousin, Brayden, are in the same class.  It's great because they are best buddies...and it makes for good photo ops!

...When I can get them to actually look at the camera at the same time!!!

Kate had a rough night last night...she was overtired so she woke up quite a few times.  She was super clingy and grumpy this am.  The plan had been to leave her with our babysitter, but I was afraid it wouldn't go well so I brought her with me.

Luke pretending to be a farmer and driving the "hay tractor"
 They have different kinds of farm animals....Kate's favorites were the baby goats..

Brayden with my friend Laura's son, Josh.
The three of them play Transformers together most recesses:)

Love these two little guys!

I hope your weekend is filled with family and sunshine!

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