
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Weekend Round Up

Oops...It's Tuesday already!  Yesterday went by faster than I thought!

This weekend was pretty busy....projects, family time and, of course, football Sunday!

On Saturday, I took the girls with me for a dress fitting.  Sarah, Ellie and I are all in Jay's sister, Julie's, wedding party.  The wedding is at the end of October and it is coming up fast!
Sarah is looking waaaay too grown up!
Jays isn't going to like that!
(There was already a little "incident" when Jay caught a guy checking Sarah out at Papa Ginos last week!
I'll share those details on Friday;)

Ellie looking rather grown-up herself!
Ellie's dress is a little different and more appropriate for an 11 year old.
Ellie being Ellie

Trying clothes on in front of people is a little stressful for me!  I was pleasantly surprised, though, and actually had so much room in the dress that the owner said I should have ordered the smaller size!(Of course, now I have to pay more for alterations!sigh)
...but losing some weight and having it make a difference is a nice feeling! So, I'm going to focus on that until our credit card bill comes in!;)

Kate was feeling left out.  "Where's my pretty dress?"  The shop owner was very kind and let Kate play dress up with Sarah while Ellie and I had our dresses looked at for alterations.

Better shot of the dress....

....better shot of Kate:)

While we were busy with dresses, Jay was at home busy building a pantry cabinet where our old, small fridge used to be.
As Buddy says, "It's ginormous!

One of the three sliding shelves.  Ignore the random piece of wood!

Luke helping Daddy sand the cabinets!
He's a very enthusiastic helper!

This is what Kate thinks the cabinet is for.....
I can't wait until it's done so I can fill it with lots of food items!  Now our chips and bread won't have to live with our plates and bowls....and I will have extra room to buy more bowls and plates!

I had some fun friend time this weekend, too!(#girlsnightout)....

...Don't worry, it wasn't "too" much fun!  I just want my kids to think mom can still be a little wild and crazy! Of course....I was still home by 10:15!(I'm really more crazy than wild, but it's all my kids' fault!)  

Which reminds me of something Andrew said lately.....
We were dropping him off at college and I was very tired and just a wee bit emotional.  I can't exactly remember what we were talking but I made a comment that didn't make sense...
Me:  (said something that didn't make sense about Andrew making something that deaf people could hear...)
Andrew:  Deaf people?!?
Me:  Oops
Andrew:  You should put that on the blog!
Me:  Get your own blog!
Andrew:(looking mischievous)  Yeah...and I'd put it under a caption of 'crap my mom says'.
(gotta love those teenagers!)

This is the view I cam home to.......
Not sure who fell asleep first, but if I had to bet money on it I would say Jay!:)

Sunday was filled with Mass, family time, and food!  Andrew and Mike ended up coming home for the weekend and it was really nice to have everyone under the same roof for 24 hours!  Game fare included chili, chowder, burgers, and steak tips.  My parents came over for the game(they brought the steak tips) and my sister and friend came by, too.  Dessert was apple crisp and ice cream....and brownies(bc Andrew and Jon don't like apple crisp).

Thankfully, the day ended with a walk for me and a friend so I didn't feel so guilty about what I ate! Porky says....."That's all folks!"

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