
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Throw Back Thursday Quiz!

Welcome to throwback Thursday!

I was cleaning up part of my closet yesterday and came across lots of fun photos!  The reason I spent a good chunk of the afternoon cleaning was to find out what scrapbooking supplies I have.  For years I have picked up things here and there, always intending to make scrap books for each of the kids.  Nothing crazy....the creativity gene skipped me!....but just something personal that starts with their birth story and knits together some pictures and tales from their childhood.

So, I found that I had 3 albums and lots of papers, stickers, etc.  Not a bad start....I just need 5 more albums.  I don't want to do one child at a time.  I think it will be easier to comment on pictures as I take them out of the 2 big bins o' pics that I have and just write and decorate as I'm inspired....and as I remember tidbits from when they were little!


Like I said before, I have some fun pics to share!:)

Love those little faces...especially Jon's mischievous grin!
Loving Andrew's overalls, too!
That was a happy year in our house.

Jay and  baby Andrew having a silent conversation!
Andrew:  You really want to give me some of those pancakes!

Jon being Jon...
always finding some way to torment one of his siblings!
(That's a pillow stuffed in his shirt in case you were wondering:)

Love this pic!  (Plus it proves Andrew really can smile!lol)

Andrew in t-ball, pre-glasses!
I love missing teeth pics!

OK...Now you get to play a little game!

Name that girl!

People always say that Kate looks just like Ellie...but I think she's quite the mix of both her sisters' features!
See if you can guess who is who!
You can leave your guesses in the comments:)
Answers will be given in Friday's post...
and, yes, that is a shameless attempt to make sure you tune in tomorrow!:)

So...what do you think???? Sarah, Ellie, or Kate:)






Happy Guessing!:)  

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