
Thursday, July 24, 2014

Playing Catch Up!

Well, it's Thursday and I've failed to blog all week!

We had a fun weekend on the Vineyard with my parents, but I haven't uploaded the pictures from my camera, yet.  I'm hoping to get to it sometime today and post the pics tomorrow.

Monday was an exhausting day!  Unpacking and sorting is always a challenge when you come back from a trip of any length.  Plus, Sarah and Luke both had physicals at 8am that I had planned before I knew we were going away for the weekend!  It was a killer waking up and rushing to get Sarah, Luke and Kate, (who was along for the ride bc all the older boys were working), ready and out of the house.

Since we went away for the weekend I only grabbed snacks and food for Peter when I went to the grocery store last Thursday.  So, after the doctor's office, we hit the grocery store.  With Sarah's help we made really good time.

By the time we got home and I put the groceries away, Peter was home and it was lunchtime for the littles and I was exhausted!  Other than a doing some laundry the rest of the day was pretty unproductive.

The midsummer blues have set in here-well, for me anyway.  As July closes, I know the summer is winding down and it is almost time to start getting ready for the dreaded 's' word.  As crazy as it gets during the summer with everyone home...or, realistically, everyone coming and going constantly!..I can't say that I am ready to jump into the routines and responsibilities(paperwork/deadlines/making snacks and lunches) of the school year.

Yet, at the same time, I'm burned out from trying to come up with activities to keep everyone busy and give everyone a summer filled with fun memories!  And, honestly, I do not enjoy 'pretend play' and I have clocked in quite a bit of time playing Autobots and Decepticons with Luke!  Ellie has been at day camp for 2 weeks so Luke is short a playmate.  Unfortunately, most of his other friends are at the camp, too!  Yesterday, I had my nephew over and it was a blissful 3 hours of getting to just listen to the boys play their great pretend battles!

That's the way I like it!  It won't win me mother of the year, but I'm ok with that!

I'm still struggling with the whole turning 40 thing.  We've also got lots of change coming this fall since Mike and Andrew will both be going away.  Jon will be starting college, too, as a mechanical engineering major.  With his busy school schedule(he has two different chemistry classes with 2 labs) plus plans to join the ultimate frisbee club and check out intramural volleyball, basketball, and campus ministry, and about 10 work hours somewhere in-between it all, I don't think we will be seeing him much!

Kate is looking more and more like a little girl and less like a toddler.:(  She hit the 2 and a 1/2 mark last month and it shows!  Tuesday morning she managed to get her own shorts on and was so proud of herself!  Sarah and I both felt sad!  The baby of the house is growing up!  I realized this morning that Kate's diaper rustling days will be coming to an end before too long.  While I won't miss buying them, it will deliver us to a whole new stage of life.

As I've been learning over the past couple of years, 
excitement over moving forward and starting something new 
and grieving over what is changing go hand and hand.

On a positive, less emotional note....

Sarah has taught herself how to sew through youtube videos.(Both my grandmothers would be so proud!)
She made matching dresses for her and Kate.
 And two skirts that she wore on the Vineyard....
Advertising for the Black Dog...Luke is apparently advertising a truck;)

Between the sewing and doing math...she is trying to skip another math class at school so that she can take two years of AP Calculus in high school...she is keeping busy.  Jay's dad is tutoring her and then she does lots of problems from each chapter.  When she is done with one chapter, she calls my fil and he comes back to teach her the next one.  She has to get through the book before August 13th when she takes a test.  If she passes, then she's good to go. If not, she will have to be satisfied with one year of AP Calc.  

(boo hoo, right?  Seriously, she gets her math genes from Jay's side of the family!  I use a calculator and usually can't help my kids with math homework after 4th or 5th grade!)

Well this post is all over the place!  I hope your week is a little more organized!

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