
Friday, June 13, 2014

Sliding Into the Weekend!

Hooray for the weekend!  What's on your weekend schedule?  For us, there's a youth group car wash on Saturday morning then a date night for Jay and I that he is planning!  Sunday is Father's Day and will be a day filled with food and family!

Before I jump into the weekend, let's do a quick wrap up of the week!

#1:  Ellie
Ellie and Jay went to the Father-Daughter Dance at Ellie's school last Sunday.  It's special one on one time for them!  Ellie loves to go and they have gone to the dance for several years now.

Ellie is a typical tween that, most days, doesn't spend any more time than is necessary getting ready.  (Which sometimes leads to me or Sarah telling her to brush her hair again but this time in front of the mirror!)  I know this is just a phase....we have pics of Sarah at the same age and she laughs at how unruly her hair frequently looked.  

But, for the Father-Daughter Dance, Ellie had been asking to get a new dress.  At first, Jay had the typical guy response, "You already have a couple of dresses in your closet.  Just wear one of those!"  After a little reminder that girls like to feel special and pretty and we weren't shopping for an expensive ball gown, just a simple summer dress, Jay gave in to Ellie's blue eyed request.

#2:  Shopping
Fitting in a shopping excursion isn't easy in our family!  In fact, I took the three girls shopping on Saturday night after our excursion to the zoo.  Jay was out with the older boys and their friends at a Pawsox game and I hired our babysitter to stay with Peter and Luke.  

The night started out really well.  We had dinner at Panera.  Found a dress and some things for summer at Justice for Ellie.  Then found a bathing suit at JCPenney.

Kate was getting rambunctious towards the end and Sarah was getting overwhelmed.  If we could have ended our night right then it would have been best.  Unfortunately, because of a field trip with Luke I couldn't get to the grocery store on Friday and because of the zoo I couldn't go Saturday morning.  So, the four of us hit the grocery store.  We got through quickly, but by the end Sarah and Kate had both had it.  By the time we got home, put the groceries away, and I gave Luke and Kate a quick bath, all three girls were crying! much for happy bonding time!  The joys....

#3: Cutie Patutie
Luke had his  last day of preschool celebration on Tuesday morning.  Kate even let me do her hair!  She had two little braids and two barrettes that matched her outfit!  (And she even left them in the whole day!)

This one's my favorite:)

#4:  The Last Day.... least for this year!  Luke will be doing one more year of preschool before going to Kindergarten.  His August birthday would  just get him into Kindergarten before the cutoff date, but he's not ready for the work demands.  So, instead of being the youngest Kindergarten student next year, he will be one of the oldest the year after.  If was a tough decision, but it's the right one for Luke:)  (At least I think so!  Otherwise, we will just pay for therapy when he's older!;)
Luke very proud of his crab shirt!

Lukie with his incredibly patient teacher!
His class and the other preschool sang a few cute songs.  As soon as they ended, you heard Luke yell out, "Now we can go home!"  (He did decide to have a piece of cake before he left!:)

#5:  Happy Birthday!
Jay's officially 40!  Even though the actual day was not quite the same as the 100+ people surprise party we threw for him 2 weeks ago, celebrating with our immediate families was still pretty special!  

Just look at all those faces intent on cake!
 (and our attempt to keep all four little kids from spitting all over it while they "helped" blow out the candles!)

#6:  Strawberry Picking
My mom's birthday was the day after Jay's.  She loves strawberries, so I usually make a strawberry shortcake for her birthday dessert.  Since it was a beautiful day, I thought Luke and Kate would enjoy strawberry picking.  (I brought Jon and Mike with me as back up!)
Luke:  "Mom, look at my strawberry!!!!"

"strawberry kissed lips" :)
Everytime Kate took a bite she said, "Mmm tasty!"

Double fisting

proud of her picks

enjoying their hard work!

group effort!

Making sure I'm in some pictures, not just always taking them!
(Although now I see that I am desperately in need of hair color!)

#7:  He Said/She Said
Luke:(who, moments before, asked for a snack before bed and was told no, opened the fridge)
Jay:  Luke, what are you doing in the fridge?
Luke:  I'm just making sure there aren't any bugs!
Jon:  Worst.excuse.ever!

Have a great weekend!

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