
Thursday, March 13, 2014

So...What is 'TBT'?

I have always admitted that I am no technology queen....and I rely on my teens to keep me somewhat current in the social media world.

It seems like every week there are new abbreviations in the texting world that I have to figure out what they mean!  (For a long time, I thought that lol meant 'lots of laughs' older sons would just shake their heads at me with that "look".  You know, the 'how can my mom possibly be so ignorant/embarrassing' look!)

Ahh...the joys!

Anyway, lately I noticed a lot of 'tbt' on Facebook, and, again, had to ask my teens what it meant.  Jon promptly informed me it meant 'throw back Thursday'.  Yay....a little less ignorance for me!

Armed with my new found knowledge, but probably already behind a dozen other new abbreviations(!), here is my 'tbt' contribution!

 This is a picture of Sarah and our Goddaughter, Collette!  I'm guesstimating, but I think Collette is about 3 and Sarah is about 5.  I found this picture in my box o' pictures in my room that stares at me every day and makes me feel overwhelmed/guilty/etc.!  One of these days, I will organize them all and get them in albums!  The one thing that is fun about a big box o' pictures, is that you can grab a pile and unearth random treasures of good memories!  (And the pic above is one of them!:)

Collette is the daughter of our very good friends, Bud and Kim.  Despite their best efforts, (and then because of their best efforts!), God chose to grow their family through adoption.  We were blessed to be a part of their lives during their struggles with infertility...which were made even more painful when so many of their Catholic friends that were open to life were blessed with pregnancies all around them.  We were blessed to be a part of the journey of their openness to God's timing in pursuing adoption.  In fact, I was physically pregnant with Peter while Kim was spiritually pregnant with Collette.  We were able to share our time of waiting together for several months.

I still remember Bud and Kim arriving late one evening with the first picture they finally received of their daughter waiting for them in China!  It was all the joy and excitement of a parent's first ultrasound picture...and then some.  The countdown began until their long journey to China to finally hold their baby in their arms!  That's when the real adventure began!

Jay was even blessed to be able to be one of the entourage at the airport to welcome the weary, new parents home!

In just a few days, Collette will join the ranks of a teenager!    I can't believe that our girls are growing up so quickly...and into beautiful young women to boot!  Happy (almost) birthday to our special goddaughter!  We are so blessed that she is able to be a very regular part of our lives! (and btw....please stop growing up so darn fast!

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