
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Winter's Last Hurrah(I Hope!)

I have to say that, for me, this vacation week is just speeding by!  I can't believe that we are almost through Thursday already!

Last weekend's snow fall is still hanging around, but the warmer temperatures are starting to make a dent in it!(And lots of mud, too!)

Today, Luke, Kate, Ellie, Sarah and I ventured out for a while just in case(please, oh, please!) this past snow fall was winter's last hurrah!  Sarah and Ellie spent a long time outside making their "creations".
up to mischief!

fun in the snow

snowman fun

Too big to push

pretty girl:)

snowman gone wrong

hamming it up!

goofy shot

more goofiness

proud of their hard work

The only "man" the girls will kiss....for a long time!
At least if daddy(and 3 protective big brothers) have anything to do with it!

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