
Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

So....this week has no words to describe it.  I'm pretty sure that the Lifetime channel will be calling me soon asking me for the rights to make a movie out of this week!

Way too much to process!  T.G.I.F!

#1:  Valentine's Day is Valentine's Day so I'm pulling it all together (mostly) to try and create a nice day for my family(or at least most of them...Mike got a bag with candy and a gift card before he left for school last weekend with instructions not to open until Valentine's Day!)

#2:  More on Valentine's Day
Valentine's Day carries high expectations for some people!  It's really funny how different people can be when it comes to this 'day of love'...especially comparing people who have been married for a while with young kids and newly engaged couples. #myhusband'sfamily!
While us old, married wives are content to make special dinners for our husbands, there are WAY more expectations for my future brother-in-law!  This pic says it all.....

#3:  Pressure, Pressure, Pressure
Then, there are those that are single, and would rather not be, so Valentine's Day is just a little dagger in their heart instead of a Cupid arrow!  I have a son..or two...dealing with this!  Not looking forward to the grumpy texts I'm anticipating from Mike today...since they started yesterday!  I'm praying for God to put the right girl in his path....(and, Lord, if it isn't too much to ask could you please hurry!)
#4:  Romance
Umm...not so much!  Honestly, sometimes there is too much pressure for Valentine's Day.  With 8 kids....and a whole lot of extra stress this idea of romance is wearing my p.j's and watching a chick flick!(Jay...I'm making it easy for you!)

#5:  The Kiddos
A little something for the kids is a way for them to feel loved and special.  There were earrings and pencils for the big girls, candy and a small itunes gift card for the big boys, a squeeze toy and gfcf candy bar for Peter, an inexpensive package of trucks and some truck stickers for Luke, and a coloring book and some stickers and a rubber duck with hearts on it for Kate.

Just a little something...but it's really funny how even the older kids enjoy getting a little surprise...especially Jon!:)

#6:  Young Adults
Part of the stress from this week is having the three older boys all so unsure about their future.  Mike is second guessing his major at a time that, if he ends up changing it, he will have to be in school for a whole other year which piles on way more school loans than was first anticipated.(And the worry that he will struggle paying for said school loans once he does graduate which will put the burden on us as co-signers.)

Andrew has submitted two of his three transfer applications.  Again, the schools he is applying too will cost him lots more and it's just stressful trying to figure out where he belongs.

Ditto with Jon...about being stressful trying to figure out what path he wants to pursue.

Laundry and lasagna I can do with my eyes shut...parenting these young adults, not so much!(Clearly a deep thought constructed while hiding sitting on the floor in the laundry room...really, it's the best place for a good cry now and then!)

#7:  Long Weekend
Jay didn't realize that he has Monday off.....long weekend for us! whoot!  whoot!  It will be nice to have him home for one of the kids' February vacation days!

We so need this! Honestly, I just want to hop on a plane with the younger kids and get away!  I need a 'vacation from my problems' to quote a line from What About Bob.

Happy Weekend!

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