
Friday, February 7, 2014

Birthday Squared

So....I'm still not functioning all that well...way too much juggling going on!'s Friday!

And it's a very special Friday:) let's hop to it!

1. & 2.  Birthday Boys!
Today, Mike turns 21(!) and Andrew turns 19!  How the heck does this happen!  Pictures from our party weekend to come:)

3.  Birthday Bash Crashed
I have been making plans for over a month to bring Mike to a casino for a little gambling and then dinner at Hard Rock Cafe with our sisters.  But plans all got changed because Mike's license had to be renewed to be an over 21 license and the temporary license can't be used as a valid form of I.D.

Big bummer!  So yesterday, amid making phone calls to ask questions to the casino, attending a parent/teacher conference for Luke, dealing with Kate who was acting very "2", listening to Peter ask 150 times in 20 minutes if we could drive a certain way home, and picking up Sarah at school....I tried to come up with a plan B that wouldn't completely suck and make up for the big disappointment.  (And I had to work on keeping my head from exploding from too much stress!)

The answer....we are going to eat on Saturday night at a cool hibachi place!  (and we will save the casino day for next really, he gets 2 birthday celebrations:)

And I called ahead and as long as he brings his birth certificate with his temporary license he will be able to have a 'grown-up drink'.

Lest you think I'm a bad mom....we have plans for Andrew too:)  A special day with Dad planned with a special meal and shopping for the birthday gift Andrew wanted....a cowboy hat!  

4-6.  Medical Mishaps
Ellie got hit with a basketball on her head twice yesterday and came home with a headache.  The nurse called from school this morning and said Ellie had come down complaining of a headache.  I'm wondering if she got a slight concussion...sigh:(

Then, Jon took a really rough hit in his basketball game last night and we were worried he might have a concussion....but he seemed fine this morning.

Also last night.....Mike had a game and ended up flying over someone's shoulder when he went up for a block and the other kid crouched down.and Mike flew over the kid's shoulder and landed on his right hand and his hip.  He is heading to the orthopedic doctor  as we speak to make sure he didn't break one of the bones in his hand.  Oy!

Well....they say things happen in three's so I guess we are good now!

    7.  An ADHD Moment
Seriously, I am tired and can't focus on anything!  All this planning to try and make the boys feel special has worn me out....and we haven't even done anything yet!  Tonight will be the family party with dinner(steak...both boys' favorite...and mashed potatoes for Mike and curly fries for Andrew.  And, of course, Grandma's chocolate cake with ice cream:)

I will leave you with a pic I took of Kate...I love it when she makes this pose.  She is playing with my phone and has her little knee bent and her little bottom jutting out...just makes me want to hug her:)
Happy weekend!

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