
Friday, November 8, 2013

Quotable Quotes

We are wrapping up the first week of November!  This month is going to fly!  

Every morning I get A Quiet Moment from Catholic Digest.  I keep a lot of the quotes in my inbox for future use.  I decided to share 7 of my favorites for Quick Take Friday with Jen.  I hope you like them as well!


Be sure that you first preach by the way you live. If you do not, people will notice that you say one thing, but live otherwise, and your words will bring only cynical laughter and a derisive shake of the head.
St. Charles Borromeo

God speaks silently, God speaks in your heart; if your heart is noisy, chattering, you will not hear.
Caryll Houselander

Ask Jesus what he wants from you and be brave!
Pope Francis

(...I just love Pope Francis!)
We shall steer safely through every storm so long as our heart is right, our intention fervent, our courage steadfast, and our trust fixed on God.
St. Francis de Sales
Doctor of the Church

“The times are bad! The times are troublesome!” This is what humans say. But we are our times. Let us live well and our times will be good. Such as we are, such are our times.
St. Augustine
Doctor of the Church

We live poverty by filling the hours of the day usefully, doing everything as well as we can, and living little details of order, punctuality, and good humor.
St. Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer

(That's certainly not the easiest thing to do!  I'm definitely a work in progress!)
To see the miraculous within the ordinary is the mark of highest wisdom.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

(I love this one!  Every mundane, ordinary day doing dishes, washing clothes, feeding children, wiping noses...all those matter to care for the little(and not so little anymore!) miracles God has blessed us with as mothers.  (and grandmothers, and aunties, and godmothers.......)

I hope you have glorious weekend seeing the miraculous within your own ordinary!

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