
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

...And it's Tuesday!

I blinked...and it's Tuesday!  I can't seem to get my act together and catch up!  Anyone else feeling a little behind?

We had a nice, lazy football day here on Sunday!  We kept lunch simple since the Pat's game wasn't until 4:30 and finished off the beef barley soup Jay made on Saturday!  So good:)

Game day fare was homemade slow cooker meatball subs and homemade mac and cheese.  The food was good and the Pat's won!  Hooray for Sunday:)

Last Monday, Pete had oral surgery to fix a bunch of cavities.   Well, wouldn't you know, yesterday he comes up to me and boasts loudly and proudly, "Peter lost a tooth!"  Sure enough, he wiggled out one of his molars.  I had told the dentist last week that he had told me he had a wiggly tooth.  She had checked and said it was barely moving and the roots were still long.  What she didn't realize is that Peter is relentless once a tooth wiggles even a little and he manages to rip them out of his mouth!  That was a waste of a filling!

Peter had no idea where his tooth was after it came out....he pulled and threw!  I did find it a couple of hours later on the floor and it still had 2 pretty long roots on it!  Ouch!

Today is the morning I work at my parent's salon, which makes Tuesday mornings extra hectic!  I got home, scarfed down a sandwich, and got Kate down for a nap.  Now, Luke just told me "I need you".   He wants me to join in playing one of his truck games:)

Never a dull moment!  But who wants to be bored, right?

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