
Friday, October 11, 2013

Woo Hoo, It's Friday!

T.G.I.F.!!!  I am sooooo looking forward to this long weekend!  Here's a wrap up from the week...and it's got to be a quick one because I have sooooo much to do today! So gettin' right to it....

#1:  Last of the Strawberries
Jon and the girls had planted strawberry plants for me for Mother's Day.  For the first year, we got quite a bit of fruit out of the plants.  With the weather turning crisp and cool, the plants are pretty much done.  Kate got the last of the big ones earlier in the week.  (p.s. I love this outfit!)

#2:  College Visits
A big part of my Saturday was spent at colleges..touring WPI for Jon and visiting Mike at Assumption.  It was a full, and productive day!
I look like such a shrimp next to these giants!

#3:  Homebound
Speaking of Mike....he is coming home for the long weekend!  The kids are excited to see him and it will be nice to have everyone under the same roof for a change!  Oh, wait, actually, no.  Andrew is leaving today to spend the weekend hiking with Courtney's family!  He will have a ton of fun!

Sigh....busy, busy, busy!

#4:  Apple Picking
We are FINALLY going to go apple picking this weekend!  We have been waiting for Mike to come home because he really enjoys going.  (Andrew, not so he isn't disappointed that he is missing it!)  It's a fun time but goes by fast with so many hands picking apples!  We will take a hayride to the pumpkin patch to search out a couple of big pumpkins, too!  Then, we come home and peel a ton of apples and make pies and crisps!  Yum:)  Here are a few pics from last year.  Look how little Kate is!

# 5:  Birthday
Tonight we are having Jay's family over to see Mike and celebrate my sister-in-law, Julie's, birthday.  Peter is excited to have Grandma's cake and Julie asked me to make a cheesecake.  I tried a new recipe....Pina Colada Cheesecake from Taste of Home's recipe.  It looks good....hopefully it tastes good!  I will let you know;)

#6:  Football!
Since Mike is home this week, he has some specific requests for food.  Chicken pot pie, chili and apple crisp topped his list.  I'm also trying a new 'taco pocket' recipe you make with Grand's biscuits.  Mike is the biggest sports fanatic of all my kids, so it will be fun to have him here for game day:)

#7:  Superman
I am blessed to have an incredible husband!  Even though he is quick to bring up all the areas he feels that he falls short in, I am continually amazed at how hard he works and how much he tries to meet all of our emotional needs.

This week in particular, he has truly gone above and beyond!  We had the opportunity to help a mom in need of some help.  We have had two little guests in our home all week and, thanks to my wonderful husband, everything has gone smoothly!  

Jay would help with dishes after dinner and then wake up early and make sure the kitchen was neat to start the day once breakfast was over.  He helped with neatening the house to keep our house from feeling overwhelming.  He helped with making sure all of our kids were ready in the morning and made his own lunch so I could organize our kids plus our 2 new friends.

In a word...he was Superman!  Thank-you, honey, for helping to make this week such a positive experience!  You are the best!  And, even though I've said it before, you are truly my Better Half!

I hope you all have a great long weekend!

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