
Monday, October 7, 2013

And the Days Just Keep Rolling On By!

And the days just keep rushing by!

Here we are at Monday again!  Not quite sure how it happened, but here it is anyway!  Sometimes I wish I could just stop the world until I can catch up!

A quick overview of our weekend...

Saturday was crazy!  Jay, Jon and I were out of the house shortly after 8am for the hour and a half ride to visit WPI.  Jon is interested in engineering(he inherited his grandfather's math genes!).  We listened to an hour presentation and then went on a guided tour of the college.  Jon really liked it and it looks like a great program.  The catch is the cost.  He will have to get a really great package to go there...but it doesn't hurt to apply.  You never know...

We left WPI at 12:30 and drove a mile up the street to Assumption to visit Mike.  It was family weekend at Assumption.  We got to experience cafeteria style some games together....get a tour from Mike...see his room(which he and his roommate cleaned thoroughly before we came!)...and meet some of his friends.  He is really happy there.
Jon being goofy!

Mike's face says it all...."Seriously, mom!  Pictures!  You are so embarrassing!"

Then he just accepted that's the way it was going to be!

Mike and his "friend", Sarah.  Yes, she is just a "friend"...I asked him lots of times;)


Jay and Jon being goofy on the track!  (they get their goofiness from their father...this is the proof!)

....and the goofiness continues!

more games!  Mike won most of them!

Love this tree!

We left at 3:30 because Jon and Sarah had a homecoming dance at their high school that night.  We got home just in time to cook burgers, iron a shirt, help Sarah with her hair, and take a few pictures before we were off again to drop them off so I could get a picture of Jon and his date.(Who is an identical twin!  He was afraid of asking the wrong one so he memorized what color back pack she
Sarah:)  She went with a group of if her brothers(or daddy) would let it be any other way;)

His date was running late, so by the time I got the quick picture and we swung by the grocery store for a few things, it was after 8 when we pulled in the driveway.  A quick bath for the kids, and we half watched, half dozed through the Notre Dame game until the kids got home.

It was quite the eventful day!

Thankfully, Sunday was not quite so crazy!  It started off a little bumpy with Kate and Peter being awful at Mass, but the afternoon was better.  Friends of ours came over and we shared the football "fun" meal of piggies in a blanket, coconut chicken bites, buffalo wings from 99, as well as their contribution of loaded homemade potato skins, an apple pie, and an apple crumble.  Yum:)

The day ended with dance practice for the act I'm in for our parish's variety show next month!  At least I got to do some exercising after eating all afternoon!

Hopefully this week goes by quickly!  I'm looking forward to the long weekend!

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