
Monday, September 9, 2013

And It's Back to Monday!

Happy Monday!  I hope you had a fantastic weekend!  My weekend went by fast.  Except for an emotional hiccup yesterday, the weekend was good.

Here are the highlights!

I went to Sarah's cross country meet on Saturday morning.  The best part was that she had to be there an hour earlier and I got to run errands...wait for it! myself!  Ahh....bliss!  I ran to AC Moore for supplies for a gender reveal party I'm throwing for a friend next weekend.  Then to Target looking for tshirts for Kate, which I didn't find, but left the store with a cart full of things anyway?!?  (That's why I try to stay out of that store!)
Then I swung into Shaws for a few things that were on sale there and some of Peter's food.  I made it back to the meet just before Sarah's race started!  Perfect!

Saturday afternoon was spent with the littles while Jay and Jon continued our enormous fall project of painting the addition.  It's taken almost 2 years, but we are finally tackling the project!

I would be remiss if I didn't mention 'super sister' Ellie who played with Luke and Kate much of the day!

Sunday was our usual morning routine of Church and breakfast.  Kate decided that she wanted to be a 'big girl' and walk out of Church holding my hand!  Then, at home, she wanted to sit on the big stool between Luke and Andrew and not her high chair.  sniff!  My baby girl is growing up!

The plus side was that Luke was being super cute and I got a great shot of the two of them.  (Andrew was being his old "I hate pictures' self so I cropped him out!:)
I love this pic!
 Sunday afternoon, we watched the Patriot game.  It had its ups and downs, (Brady fumble and Ridley!!!), but thankfully it ended well!  Jay and Jon picked up wings for the game, and I made sweet pepper soup and an apple pie.  Since Andrew had to work:(, I saved making piggies in a blanket for dinner along with crockpot shredded pork sandwiches.

Luke and Kate enjoying pie and ice cream.
(I know Kate looks naked but I swear she has a diaper on!)

Andrew enjoying the second half of the 4pm game!
Monday came way too it always does!  I'm off to try and neaten the house and do all that fun paperwork that is waiting for me in a pile on the kitchen counter!

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