
Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Night at the Circus...well, sort of!

Ellie is a great big sister!  She loves her little brother and sister and really enjoys making up games with them.  Last night, I asked Ellie to entertain Luke and Kate in the backyard while I got dinner together.  She ended up spending an hour and a half playing with them and creating a "circus" complete with tickets and decorations.

After dinner, Jay and I went outside and were ushered to our seats to watch the performance.  Luke and Ellie each performed a couple of acts.  They were both so happy and proud!

It was brief...less than 10 minutes....but taking the time to watch something that they worked so hard on was important!  The dishes waited for me...still haven't figured out how to get the 'dish fairy to our house!'

They were so cute!  Luke did everything Ellie told him to do and giggled incessantly the whole time.  I love these moments that remind me that Ellie is still a little girl despite her 5' frame!  With all the older kids and all the little kids, Ellie tends to get lumped in with the teenagers more often than not.  Even though she is younger than Peter, it is easy for us to forget that fact because of Peter's much younger cognitive age.

Last night was a good reminder that I need to try harder to create some "younger" memories with Ellie.  She gets short-changed a lot because the older kids outgrew activities that she would still find fun.....and with the addition of the little ones we were have been mostly home bound for a while.  She is so easy going, that it can be easy to forget to carve out some special time for her.  The good thing is that, now that Kate and Luke are a little older, we can start planning a few more special outings.  Thankfully, Ellie is still young enough to enjoy them and we can make more special memories for her childhood!

Tonight was a special memory for all of us:)

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