
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Happy Birthday, Peter!

Besides being 'hump day' which, because of that new Geico commercial that my sons are addicted to, has become a very annoying shout out all.week.long!  Even when it isn't Wednesday, they just add on a 'yesterday' for as many days away hump day is!  For example, on Saturday I will have to put up with Jon(who is the biggest offender!) will say (in the same accent as the commercial) 'Humpday yesterday, yesterday, yesterday!'  Oy!

But I digress...

Today is special because it is Peter's 12th birthday!  It's hard to believe that it was 12 years ago today that Peter arrived into the world...all 8lbs 11oz!  He was the only baby that we chose to be surprised about the gender.  (Mike and Jon were surprises because they wouldn't cooperate!)

Peter has definitely challenged us the most as parents.  All children are challenging.  Having a special needs child is really challenging almost all.the.time.

Peter has also taught us the most as parents.  Peter has brought out the best, and the worst, in us!

Peter has taught us to look for and cherish each and every little accomplishment.

Peter has broken any perception I may have had about ever being the perfect mom or having the 'perfect' looking family.

Peter has placed us in more embarrassing situations than I care to remember.  (Thankfully, we are able to laugh at most of them now!)

Peter has taught us how to love when it is hard...even when there is not much given in return.

Peter is a simple little guy who is happy watching Southwest airplanes on youtube, playing Angry Birds on his Ipad, and swinging and swimming in the backyard.  Peter's favorite food, by far, is Jay's mom's chocolate cake!(which he will have at the family birthday party for him and Luke on Saturday:)

Peter's favorite places to go are Disney World and Martha's Vineyard!  He talks about both of them all.the.time and loves to look at pictures and videos of the times he has visited!  I posted one of his super happy Vineyard pictures on Monday, but here are a few more from our weekend and Peter's favorite place to visit on the Vineyard....the beach.

Peter doesn't really play with toys.  His favorite things are dinosaur balloons we get from IParty and Buzz Lightyear action figures.  The only problem with the Buzz toys is that he destroys them.  The first thing to go is the arm....just like when Buzz loses his arm trying to fly in the original Toy Story Movie!  Then he throws in high in the air outside.  Hides it in the neighbors yard.  Throws it in the pool.  And any other number of strange, silly things.  But it makes him happy.  Other than 3 dinosaur balloons that he was so intent on getting that he made me write in on the calendar 3 weeks ago...which I actually drove to get yesterday with him because he was obsessing and melting down over them!....Buzz is the only thing he asked for.

So...of course I got him another one to destroy!

My conversation with Peter this morning made me laugh!
Me:  How old are you today, Peter?
Peter:  I'm old!

Happy Birthday, Peter!

p.s.  None of these photos are my absolute favorite photo from our trip!  I's coming!:)  Today was all about Peter:)

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