
Friday, May 10, 2013


Linking up with Five Minute Friday today because that's all the computer time I've got today!

Word of the day.......

Comfort seems like such an appropriate word for the Friday before Mother's Day.  As a mom, comfort is a big part of my "job".  From the moment they are born, I have started comforting each of my children.  

First with those overwhelming moments when they are laid on me for the first time....screeching and protesting their eviction from their first home.

All the hours of comforting babies through hungry, tired, overwhelmed moments in the first several months of their life with us and then as they grow into toddlers, preschoolers,  pre-teens, teenagers, and now, young adults, too!

I even have the memories of comforting my first daughter back into the arms of our Lord.

I also have all the memories of my children giving comfort to me.  All those baby snuggles and toddler hugs!  The joy of being wanted and needed and loved by preschoolers....and the moments that my preteens and teenagers show me that I am still wanted and needed and loved by them!  

"give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back.”Luke 6;38

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