
Friday, May 24, 2013

Bring on the Long Weekend!

Linking up with 7 Quick Takes Friday....

This has been such a busy and exciting week!  It's the first of many to come!

1.  History Fair
Sarah competed in her middle school's History Fair for the last time last Friday.  She did her report on D-Day.  She spent a lot of time researching and learning her topic and she knew it inside and out.  Sarah also borrowed my grandfather's WWII medals and some of his pictures from his time in the Navy.  My grandfather was on one of the supply ships in the D-Day attack at Normandy Beach.  It's still emotional for him to talk about almost 70 years later, but he was happy to share his medals and pictures with Sarah.  He was also very proud when she won the Grand Prize!(and so were we:)
Sarah with her project

Sarah with my dad and Luke and her trophy:)

2, 3, and 4.  Birthday, Birthday, Birthday!
We had a family party for Sarah on Saturday.  Sunday was Sarah's actual 14th birthday and my grandmother's 94th birthday celebration!  My extended family was at my parent's house to celebrate!
Sarah with her cute flip flop cake courtesy of my mother-in-law:)

My grandmother with all the great-grandkids:)..and no, they aren't all mine!
Just most of them;)

Look how cute she cute they are:)
And I love the way my grandmother's feet dangle and don't touch the ground!:)
 Monday was my grandmother's real birthday and the anniversary of our daughter, Therese's birthday, too.

5. Award Nights
Both Andrew and Jon received different awards on the same night, so Jay and I had to split up!  
Andrew received a scholarship after a nice dinner from The Polish Woman's Club.
Andrew with Jay's mom(who is a member)

 Jon received the Pope Pius X Award at a special ceremony at the Cathedral.

Mike received an academic award on Thursday night at an awards ceremony at BCC.  Sorry no picture!  My sister and mil pinch hit for us because Sarah's class put on an Appreciation Dinner for the parents.
(see #6)
I wish I could bilocate!
(Jon wouldn't have had any pictures if it hadn't been for Andrew's girlfriend, Courtney, who was at the Pope Pius X award and reminded Jay at the appropriate photo ops!(Thx, Courtney:)

Great job boys!  

6.  Appreciation Dinner

The 8th graders as well as some of their teachers put together a delicious Turkey dinner as well as salad, soup, and dessert!  It was great! (the servers did a great job, too!)

7.  Finished!
Mike and Andrew have both finished finals and are now just waiting for graduation next weekend!  Honestly, I can't believe it!
Tonight is Andrew's prom!

Change is coming...whether I'm ready or not!

Hope your long weekend is fabulous!  
I cannot wait to have Jay home with us for 3 whole days!

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