
Friday, April 5, 2013

Wrapping Up the Week

It's Friday...wooo hoooo!  I'm so glad to say 'hello' to the weekend!  It's going to be a busy one for sure!  But before I jump into that, it's time to wrap up the week:)

7 quick takes sm1 7 Quick Takes Friday (vol. 211)

1.  Coloring Eggs

We always color Easter eggs on Holy Saturday.  Usually we do it after dinner, but because of work schedules and the boys serving the Easter Vigil we had to move it to the morning.  It actually worked out better!  I love that the older kids still want to participate!
Kate just wanted to hold the one white egg the whole time!

Peter loves coloring eggs!

Mike proud of his 'creation'!

Luke trying an egg that he had smooshed!

2.  Easter

We were blessed with a beautiful day for such a meaningful celebration!  
It was filled with family, fun, and, of course, lots of treats!
The kids enjoyed their candy but my favorite was the white chocolate, raspberry swirl cheesecake that I's a new recipe, but definitely a keeper!
....and here are a few pics from the day!
Jon got his new favorite movie in his Easter basket!

Kate loves her big brother!

pretty girls:)

Sarah excited over her new shoes:)
 ...and Egg hunt fun with cousins:)

Two pretty princesses!

Two busy boys....and Jon:)
3.  Easter Clothes

This is one of the few pics I got of Luke before he ate one piece of candy and got huge chocolate streaks down his shirt!

4.  Funny Mass Moments

So what happens when you take a bunch of overtired, excited kids who snuck at least one piece of candy before breakfast?  Umm..ya...wasn't pretty!  When Msgr. was walking down the aisles blessing everyone with holy water, Peter calls out in his 'definitely not an inside voice'(!)......"JESUS SPRINKLES!"
Everyone around us was laughing..and we couldn't help but smile!  Peter may not understand a whole lot deeply, but I think he understands the most simple truths much deeper than us!

5. Preschooler Talk
Is there anything cuter than the mispronunciations of little kids?  I'm not sure..but Luke certainly had a cute one this week!

We were watching 'It's the Easter Beagle, Charlie Brown' and Luke was giggling like a maniac through the whole thing!  It was making us crack up!  

He asked to watch "Snoofy" the next day and any amount of correcting him to say 'Snoopy' was for naught! So "Snoofy" or "Snoof" he stays for this year!

And, speaking of words......Kate now says 'ya' for yes, shakes her head(and sometimes her entire body!) for no and also started blowing kisses all in one week:)

6.  On Being a Godmother
I have the honor of being asked to be a godmother for our friends', Anne-Marie and Dan brand new baby girl, Evangeline Simone..Evie for short:)  Look at this sweetness!

I am enjoying getting my baby fixes with this little girl!  (Although Luke keeps asking me when we are going to get our new baby!)

7.  Disney Countdown

And...last but not least...I continue our Countdown to Disney with some of our past Disney memories!
This pic was taken in the Norway store in Epcot.  Jon was 12 and Andrew was 13.
Andrew loved the Viking helmet  so much that he bought it and wore it the entire trip!
It has come in handy for many a 'crazy hat' day at the kids' various schools!

Hope you have a great weekend!

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