
Friday, April 12, 2013

Excrement Day

So this pic is a funny memory from Mike's first trip to Disney!  (Mike was 23 months old.)  As you can see from the picture, Jay is none too pleased!  We had been in line at the Pirates of the Caribbean line with Jay holding Mike when, all of a sudden, he felt something warm all over his arm and chest!  Yep...a diaper malfunction!

Jay went into the men's room to wash, and my dad headed over to a kiosk to buy Jay a new shirt.  In the few minutes that Jay was waiting shirtless, three different Disney employees came up to him telling him he needed to wear a shirt in the park.  Three different times Jay had to explain that his son had peed on him and his father-in-law was buying him a new shirt!

Three different times the Disney workers walked off laughing:)

The fun continued on the Disney bus on the way home at the end of the day when Mike had diarrhea and it leaked out of his diaper and guessed it...Jay's arm!

This day has been dubbed "excrement day" in our family Disney memories!

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