
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wednesday Favorites

Linking up again with


#1.  Solemnities during Lent

Thanks to the Solemnity of St. Joseph yesterday, we got a little break from our Lenten penances.  Thank-you especially to Jon, who reminded me of this when he walked in the door after volleyball practice!  Thankfully, we had a box of Ghiradelli brownies in the cabinet!  
So, brownie sundaes were enjoyed by all! 

 Ummm....Sarah might have enjoyed it a little too much!.....

#2.  Buying Easter Dresses
I love all the pretty much so that I'm having trouble deciding which to choose!  I'm thinking this dress from Children's Place is "the one"....

#3.  Planning Easter Baskets
We don't do anything crazy, but it is fun to put together a few small things to try and make each kid feel special!'s an excuse to do some shopping:)

#4.  Local Ice Cream Spots Open for the Season!
This past weekend, two of our favorite ice cream spots opened!  Acushnet Creamery is known for their homemade ice cream and yummy waffle cones.(Cranberry Harvest is my favorite!)  Country Whip has soft serve ice cream as their specialty.(vanilla with chocolate jimmies...yum:)

#5.  It's Spring!

It doesn't look like Spring after the couple of inches of snow that fell yesterday...and with a high of only 40 degrees for today it doesn't feel like Spring...but the calendar says it's Spring!  
(Hopefully winter gets the memo!)
In honor of Spring, I dressed Kate in her pink overalls covered with bunnies. She woke up on the 'wrong side of the bed this morning' though, so my attempts to get pics didn't go so well...

Daddy saved the day by blowing bubbles!

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