
Saturday, December 29, 2012


Oh my goodness...I am so grouchy today!  I think that sleep deprivation, too much sugar, and no quiet time is starting to take it's toll.  That, and I'm starting to feel like I will never get a handle on all this clutter.  I truly love's just so tough to organize afterwards.  We don't go crazy with presents, and neither do our families.  But, with just the sheer number of people in the house, gifts times 10 is a lot to find homes for.

It's also a great opportunity to do a pre-new year cleanse....of stuff that is!  The girls will be going through their drawers today to purge things that don't fit anymore.  I did the same to Luke, Peter and Kate's drawers  yesterdays.  As for the older boys....I just try to avoid their rooms at all times!

I also got all the sheets washed yesterday...way behind on that!  It was one of those things on the list on my head that makes me feel like a bad mom.  But it's done for now...and everyone has flannel to keep them toasty warm:)

I'm off to the grocery store for a few things and then Ellie's basketball game.  I am very much looking forward to heading to our friend's house tonight with only the girls for some (very needed) grown-up time!

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