
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

God Thought

I can't believe that Christmas is two weeks away!  December always goes by at lightning speed...and each year I still find myself surprised.

Despite a good start, I find myself lagging behind in creating my master to-do list.  Despite not having the list, or being as organized as I usually am, I still find that I have peace about it all in my heart.  This morning I realized that another layer of simplification will be in order...and I'm really ok about it.  I have a baby and a toddler and not enough time and not enough energy to accomplish everything I really want to.  It's just where we are at this year.

And, honestly, the emotional upheaval  that last week's events caused still has me feeling unsettled.  It's amazing how working through your emotions over a situation can take so much longer than the situation itself!

Anyway, as promised, I will be explaining it all in my blog post tomorrow.  Thanks for the I said, I'm still trying to work through it all in my head.

My inspiration for today came from a thought from God that led to a peaceful morning...when it easily could have been a very tough morning.

It's work day...Luke and Kate aren't sleeping well because of sinus colds/coughs, which means I'm sleeping even worse than usual.  Jay also had to leave extra early this am to drop off paperwork before his day could start.

So...I didn't wake up early and Jay, forgetting I was working, woke me up late.  As I jumped in the shower, I had the thought that whether I freak out or whether I encourage everyone and stay positive and do what needs to be done to get everyone out of the house, the end result would be the same.  I could freak out, hurt people's feelings and end up with guilt.  Or I could focus on getting ready as best I could and remain calm.

Definitely a 'God Thought'!

I made the choice, and received the grace, to get through the morning and get out of the house pretty much on time.

Along the same lines, my thoughts on Christmas took the same path.  I do not want to be a stressed out, miserable person trying to do everything I 'think' should be done in preparation for Christmas.  So what if I only make 4 kinds of cookies instead of 10?  So what if the house is not decorated as much as it could be?  I have things that absolutely need to get some baking and wrapping and cleaning...but I can make a list and work it out with Jay and the older kids to get the help I need, or to delegate the tasks that they can handle.

Realistically, even the house isn't where I would like it to be.  There are walls and trim work that need repainting.  There are cabinets that need to be built in our family room.  The family room itself still needs to be painted since last year it was an entryway and 2 separate bedrooms until 2 walls were removed....and it's still 2 different colors.

It's just challenging with a (clingy)baby, a (very busy!)toddler, a child with special needs, 5 older kids involved in different sports, and a husband that works 2 jobs.  Just getting the laundry, the dishes, driving everyone where they need to be, being emotionally and physically present to the kids to meet their needs, basic cleaning and the grocery shopping done feels like a Herculean task most weeks.....never mind the "extra projects."

Challenging...but how do I deal with it?  I do get frustrated sometimes...just ask Jay.  More often, I do accept that this is just where we are right now.  We are a work in progress!  (Jay reminds me of that a lot...and sometimes I remind him:)

So I will focus on my 'God Thought' from today....focus on making the "getting there" of all our every day moments as positive an experience as I can!(even when the 'getting there' takes a lot more time than I wanted!)
Has God inspired you in a special way? Or used you to inspire someone else?  Consider sharing your story by linking below and join my 2012 Advent Challenge!

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