
Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I'm taking a nursing break from the baking.  My second in command(Sarah) is in charge for the moment.  So far, I've made a full size chocolate chip cheesecake, 41/2 dozen mini pumpkin cheesecakes, and there's an apple pie baking in the oven.  A couple more pies and some acorn cookies to go!

Sarah has become super helpful in the kitchen over the past year!  She's much more independent.  I'm thankful for her help today.  Ellie has been very helpful helping to keep Luke and Kate occupied, too!

And the boys....

Well...Andrew is with my sister-in-law baking a cake for my mother-in-law's birthday tonight.  Mike and Jon were taking naps on the couch!  Not very helpful:/

Hopefully Kate will take more than a 5 minute nap this time!  It will be helpful to have one less person to keep an eye on while I try to finish the pies.

Thankful Thought # 21:
I am thankful that we are having dinner at my sister-in-law's tonight so that I can concentrate on baking and only have one mess to clean up instead of two!

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