
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Prayerful Moments

I have to say that yesterday with Luke really did go better.  Extra positive attention and very consistent boundaries seem to be key right now.  Sorry for the short post again, but my "mommy job" is very demanding at the moment!

The Catholic Digest quote of the day from Sunday tugged at my heart....

Earth hath no sorrow that heaven cannot heal.
St. Thomas More

The quote gave me warm soup on a cold day.  It was a good reminder that no matter what, God's in charge and can bring good out of any difficulty!

I casted my vote and I'm praying.

But, no matter who gets elected today, God is still in charge.  That's giving me peace instead of worrying about the outcome.  
Thankful Thought #6:
I am grateful to live in a country where we have a voice in choosing who leads us.


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