
Thursday, November 1, 2012

It's My SITS Day!!!

Today is a very special day!  It's my SITS Day!

What is a SITS Day?  So glad you asked!

The SITS Girls are a group of over 40,000 women that support each other's blogging experiences through shared experience, tutorials, and highlighting new women all the lots of opportunities to 'meet' lots of "new" bloggers that focus on all kinds of 'ordinary amazing' and 'amazing amazing' topics!

Today is my turn to have Normal Chaos highlighted through the SITS exciting!

So, to all my new visitors...Welcome!  Thanks for coming over to my small piece of the blogging world.  :)

Maybe you are wondering why I named my blog "Normal Chaos".'s a term I have used for a very long time to describe my life.  My husband, Jay, and I have just celebrated our Twentieth Anniversary!(For more on that, click here.)   

Our 20 years have had its ups and downs on this roller coaster called life that we are all on.  During those 20 years of marriage, we both earned college degrees, Jay got a Master's Degree, we bought a home that we added on to 3 times(!), we had 9 children(no twins or triplets!), we lost our first daughter in infancy, we had a son diagnosed with autism, we have been to countless sporting events, taught 2 kids to drive, and currently have 1 child in college and 2 in diapers!  Life in our house is never boring!

Thankfully, my husband and I are a team and we hold hands when things are going smoothly and we hold each other up when we stumble and trip.  We pray a lot...especially for direction because half the time we have no idea what we are doing!

Our life is noisy and busy and chaotic and.....we are truly blessed!

Thanks for joining us on our wild ride!


  1. Happy SITS Day and 20th anniversary!!

  2. I've always been fascinated with the dynamics of huge immediate families - seems like it'd be fun for all the siblings and super-stressful for the parent(s)!

  3. I truly understand as a stay at home mom of four! Excellent Blog!

  4. Congratulations on your SITS Day! Soak up every minute of it :)

  5. Happy SITS Day! I hope it is amazing!!

  6. Nice to meet you! :) I can totally understand the "normal chaos" name to your blog! Amazing and yet wonderfully blessed your family must feel. Congratulations on 20 years of marriage. :) SO happy to hear you and your husband are a team. It's always nice to take on life with a friend, isn't it? :) Happy SITS Day to you! :)

  7. Congrats on your anniversary and on your SITS day!

  8. Hello Friend! Happy SITS Day! I am so excited about it! Sorry I am kind of late! :) Big Hugs!

  9. Visiting you from SITS! Read your 3 favorite posts. Good stuff!

  10. Happy SITS day!! I take my hat off to you for having so many children, I can only imagine that any quiet moments you get would be far and few between, I can understand why your space here is called normal chaos! Congratulations on your 20 year anniversary! :)

  11. 8 kids and you have a good attitude - amazing! We have 2 kids - one with high functioning autism -- Asperger's. I love the name of your blog because it is a perfect description of our house as well. Getting two kids out the door to two different schools, each 45 minutes away tires me out before my day really even begins. Can't even imagine how you do it!

    Hope you had a great SITS day. Sorry I'm so late but I managed to add to the chaos the other day by breaking my foot!! so my week is a little topsy turvy.

  12. Happy SITS Day and congrats on 20 years of marriage! Wow and I think life is hard sometimes with one child, I couldn't imagine 8 more! I don't know how you do it!

  13. Holy Moley! You are a true multi- tasker!

    Good luck & Take Care
