
Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Little Bit of Catch Up

Today is a new day.  I'm still feeling unglued from the results of the election and the worries over our country's (seemingly) broken moral compass...but I want to move on.

I would like to use my post today to do a little bit of catch up....there are a lot of little things to share that keep getting piled up waiting for their 'turn'....and they are all happy things!  I need some extra happy right now! it goes...
Here is Ellie helping Kate sit like a 'big girl' on the swing in her adorable(!) butterfly outfit.(Yes, it's Gymboree...I need to stay away from that website!)

I had to take a close up of Kate's too cute shoes!  They just scream sweetness!  I so love little girl clothes!  These were bought by daddy on our recent anniversary shopping trip.  I handed Kate the shoe and she looked up at Jay with a giant smile...boy, is he in trouble!
 Two little cousins playing on the floor together.  Mya does this great army crawl!  So cute:)
 Mike and Luke(aka Peter Pan) at the Halloween dance at Sarah's school sponsored by the 8th grade(who put on a haunted stage for part of the evening).
 Hence...why Sarah looks the way she does!
 Mike surprised her by coming to the dance.  These two have a special bond:)
 Jon before his homecoming dance!  Handsome guy sporting a pink striped tie.  He went solo but had a ton of fun with his friends:)
 Mike and Luke carved a pumpkin together.  Luke was not so sure about the guts!
 But he loved the end result:)
 Peter made the snowman tower with the pumpkins but wouldn't stand still long enough for me to take his pic...Ellie was more than willing to stand in!
 Kate stealing my phone and looking so darn cute doing it!
 Andrew and his girlfriend Courtney before the homecoming dance at her high school..which was the very same night as the dance at his high school.  Bummer...but Andrew made the sacrifice;)  Aren't they cute?!?
 Luke and my nephew, Brayden, (Mya's big bro), causing mischief at Andrew's last cross country meet while we were waiting for him to run.
 And run he did......his last race as a senior(sniff) but his best time and he finished second!  A great 'last' in this special year!  That's one of his best friends finishing right behind him:)

Those were some great October moments(along with our special anniversary :)

 I wasn't feeling very thankful yesterday, so today I will play catch up with 'Thankful Thoughts for November' as well!

Thankful Thought #7: 
I am thankful for Kate's sweet baby hugs and sloppy kisses!(The hugs and snuggles were especially comforting yesterday!)

Thankful Thought #8:
I'm thankful for the moments that my children take the initiative to do something special for each other.  Like Mike's attendance at Sarah's dance, Mike doing special things with Luke, Andrew and Jon playing with the baby when they walk in the door, etc., etc.  Makes me hopeful that they will be close when they are adults...and gives me patience when they are at each other's throats!(lol)
Beautiful Thursdays

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