
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Some Special Couple Time

Jay and I had a great day yesterday!  Our 20th Wedding Anniversary is tomorrow, but, due to babysitting help, it was easier to spend Monday together, so Jay took yesterday off.

The weather was perfect!  (Thank-you, God:)  We drove about an hour and a half to the Wayside Inn to have lunch and enjoy the grounds on a beautiful fall day.  The Wayside Inn is the oldest operating Inn in the country!  It's began it's life as an inn in 1716.  There is also a "Little Red Schoolhouse"(1798), a small church(built 1940), and a grist mill(built 1929) on the 125 acre property that is owned by the inn.

Kate slept the entire ride up to the inn, so Jay and I were able to enjoy the entire ride with uninterrupted conversation...a real luxury in our world!  The Inn's restaurant was really pretty, decorated in pieces from the time period it was built in.  Everyone there was very nice!  We had a great lunch.  I had a lobster roll and chowder and Jay had the pot roast(one of the Inn's specialty meals).  Kate enjoyed pieces of bread, yogurt I had brought her, and some of Jay's potatoes and squash.  Kate was such a good girl and got lots of attention from both the wait staff and the other diners.

After lunch, we walked around the beautiful grounds.  First, we walked over to the schoolhouse.  You can see it in the background of this beautiful tree.(It really is little!)

After Kate played in the leaves...
...we walked over to the church.
(Did you notice that they have the same grin? :)
There was a man taking pictures near the church who was nice enough to take some pictures of us:)

Then we walked over to the grist mill.  It was such a beautiful spot!  There were two couples taking pictures, a bride and groom taking pictures, a woman having pictures taken of her pregnant belly, as well as a few amateur photographers wandering around.  I could understand why with the beautiful scene surrounded by incredible foliage.

 I love Kate's expression!
And look at this view of the pond!

After a quick stop for some caffeine at Honey Dew, we ended our day with a little shopping on the way home.  It was so nice to spend the day together!  
(.......more on our anniversary tomorrow!)

The Coffee Shop

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