
Friday, October 19, 2012


Five Minute Friday....
The word is

Look at the crazy mom who can't seem to get her act together.
Look the 3 year old that is driving the crazy mom even crazier with the constant mischievousness!
Look at the baby that has finally taken not only one, but TWO, good naps in the same day.  Guess several days of bad naps and a couple rough nights will do that!  Maybe those teeth have finally come through.  I will have to check it out when she wakes up.
Look at the teenagers all going in different, soccer,  basketball, cross country, work.  
Look at the crazy mom trying to keep track of it all!
Look at the 9 year old who has so much paperwork for the crazy mom to look over....grades from the week, yet another fundraiser, field trip forms to finish...
Look at the 11 year old who just keeps asking for another snack, in sentences using the wrong pronoun..."Do you want a muffin?"..."Do you want a pear?"  I answer, "No, thank-you, Peter."  

And he just laughs and asks again!

Five Minute Friday

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