
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Living in the Moment Through the Eyes of Faith

Today, October 11th, marks the beginning of the Year of Faith in the Catholic Church.  A focus on growing in faith will be a special theme starting today and going until the start of Advent, 2013.

This year of faith felt like the missing piece to my own personal puzzle about the direction for my own writing.  The first piece of the puzzle is definitely learning to Live in the Moment...Through the eyes of faith is the second piece of the puzzle.

I want to spend this year focusing on being more open to allowing each moment to be God driven....because I have found that His way is always SO much better than my own.  (Unfortunately, sometimes it takes me a few tries on my own to realize this!)  I want to be more aware of the ways He moves in my life...through the people I encounter, to the things I read, to the teachable moments in my everyday life with my family.

I opened the Bible to Colossians today for inspiration on this journey.  This is what touched me:

"And so, from the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you,
asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,
to lead a life worthy of the Lord, 
fully pleasing to him, 
bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.
May you be strengthened with all power, 
according to his glorious might,
for all endurance and patience with joy,
giving thanks to the father...."(Col. 1:9-12)  

Knowledge of his will for me with HIS wisdom and understanding(not just my own half-baked thoughts!)....leading a life that is worthy and pleasing to the Lord...bearing fruit in all I do for my family, friends, and the people He places in my path...growing in His knowledge and grow in endurance and patience(I so need this!) with JOY(!!!)  

All in thanksgiving because I know that all those gifts come from Him...I know the fruit from doing things on my own and it isn't pretty!

A year focused on Living in the Moment Through the Eyes of Faith...I think it will be quite an interesting journey!  You are all welcome to join me in whatever way "Faith" means to you!  I hope it will prove to be a very inspiring year!

Beautiful Thursdays

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