
Wednesday, October 17, 2012


I sat in church this morning for a little while, trying to soak up the "Son".  I so needed a chance to re-focus and sit in the quiet to find some peace.  Actually, I probably could have used an entire day of quiet and prayer!

I just feel unsettled lately.  Too much to juggle, not enough sleep, too much stress, lots of fear filled's starting to take its toll.  Sometimes everyone's needs around here are so much more plentiful than my own energy level.

What's the lesson I'm supposed to be working on right now?  It's one of those moments when I need to shrink my world because my functioning level is nowhere near capacity.  I need some emotional recharging and I'm just not sure how to get it.

So I'm waiting on the One who knows me better than I know myself.  I'm waiting for understanding of my feelings and directions as to what to do about them.


  1. *hugs* I've been there, at that point where it all just feels too much and I'm just unsettled. He'll answer u just in time, I'm sure.

  2. It's frustrating when God's timeline and ours don't appear to match. As hard as it is to do - considering life is always keeping us on the move - try to take the time to listen for his small, quiet voice...

  3. It's so hard to just wait sometimes. xo
