
Monday, October 29, 2012

A Rather Blustery Day

We have quite the windy Monday here.  The gusts are definitely picking up this afternoon...only to get worse as the evening progresses.  We lost power for a couple of hours due to a tree taking out some wires up the road for us.  Thankfully, it was fixed and, at least for now, we are able to use all our electronic devices.

So far the kids are being good sports.  The initial joy of having an extra day off started to fade a little.  For the most part, everyone is still happy and not driving each other crazy.(Yet!)

Who would have thought that the end of October would include a hurricane!  So crazy!

I will be glad when Jay arrives home shortly.  He was stubborn and insisted on working for a while.  Mike had to work at his local hardware store job, too, but he should be home soon as well.

This is another Living in the Moment moment....not easy to have everyone home and stuck inside, especially without power, but it's the moment that I'm living.  I'm trying to make the most of it.  For today, there are low expectation and lots of little prayers for protection for my family and my neighbors and everyone that will be touched by Hurricane Sandy.  Things could be so much worse.

And, like Andrew said, if the power goes out again we will have to make the sacrifice and make sure the ice cream doesn't go to waste!

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