
Friday, August 24, 2012

We Made It To Friday....Barely!

Friday...Friday...We made it to Friday!

It has felt like such.a.long.week!  Tough to come off of a vacation week and dive into the get ready for school, high school sports begin, a last minute pool party for Ellie and all the other craziness that goes on in a house with 8 kids!

For a little added craziness, Jay woke me up this morning telling me that Andrew hurt his wrist playing two hand touch football last night with his friends.  It turns out that Andrew tripped and fell on his wrist, but it wasn't bothering him all that much when he got home last night.  He retreated to his room without telling us about the incident.  At 1am the pain woke him up.  He tried icing it for a while but woke Jay up around 2 because it hurt so much.  Jay, who is also a physical therapist, gave him ibuprofin and wrapped it in an Ace bandage.  Jay's guess was that it was broken.

After 2 hours in the orthopedist office late this morning, his guess was confirmed.  Andrew had a "partial fracture" in his right wrist...and yes, he is right handed....and, yes, school does start next week so hopefully it will heal quickly because he will be doing a lot of note writing this year.(And his handwriting is tough enough to read with his dominant hand!)

The good news is that he can still run cross country with the splint on.  Cross Country is Andrew's favorite sport so we are SO relieved that he will not miss any of it.  Especially since this is his senior year!

Oh boy, this week has been challenging!  It isn't quite over yet, either, since I have a meeting at the girls' school tonight.

I'm looking forward to a not so crazy weekend(at least so far), with a good mix of socializing and quiet time! Hoping for a nice day Sunday to head to the beach for a while, and maybe a trip to our favorite local ice cream shop, to celebrate the last day of summer for Sarah and Ellie before they start school on Monday.

Hope you all have a great weekend, too!

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