
Monday, August 13, 2012

Our Vacation Begins!

It's 7:30pm, and I'm sitting in a hotel room in Hershey, PA with Peter, Luke, and Kate.  Luke just fell asleep and Peter is making his last wind up before the crash.  Kate is tired and completely off schedule but does ok as long as I hold her.

Jay and the older kids all went to Hershey Park to use the preview perk on our park tickets....they get to go in to the park 2 1/2 hours before the park closes tonight.  Originally, we were all going to go together.  But there was no way the little ones were going to be able to hang...they are just too tired.  I don't think the older ones will last the whole time either....they are all exhausted themselves!

We all got up at 3:30 this morning to get dressed, put the last minute things in the car, and take off for our vacation in an attempt to get through most of our drive before rush hour.  It was SO tough to get up so early.   The kids didn't go right back to sleep like I had hoped for.  They were too excited and managed to push off sleep for about an hour.

Leaving that early was so worth it though!  We made the whole drive in a little over 6 hours and that included 2 stops for bathroom breaks!  The kids did great...even the little ones.  Kate had one moment where we chose to have a pit stop because she obviously was done being in her car seat.  But other than that, she slept most of the way.  (Thank God!)

It was so good to get here and get out of the van!  We went to Hershey Chocolate World for lunch...and, of course, chocolate milk shakes!  Delicious:)

Then we went on the ride that shows how they make the chocolate.  It's cute.  Luke enjoyed it until we got to the cooking of the beans and the ride blows warm air on the cars you ride in.  Mike told Luke they were being cooked!  What a pain!  The free chocolate at the end of the ride erased any fear Luke had, though.

On the way back to the hotel, Luke started singing the tune from the ride.  The song  repeats, "Hershey's chocolate.  Hershey's chocolate."  Luke sang, "Cheese chocolate, cheese chocolate."  It was so cute!  The funny thing was, nine years ago, some of his brothers and Sarah did the same thing!  It was one of the cutest memories from Hershey......then and now!

Peter has done great for the most part.   He did great on the car ride!  He did poke a very heavy woman in the stomach on his way to the Starbuck's bathroom...and he rubbed a balding man's head in the hotel pool.  Thankfully both were good natured and we were quick to apologize!

I cannot express to you how much I am looking forward to bed time!  In fact, Peter and Kate just fell asleep.  Peter didn't sleep in the car at all so he's been up since 3:30am!

Hopefully we all get a decent night's sleep tonight!  We will need our energy for a day in Hershey Park tomorrow!

I can't believe we are actually here!:)
Here's a pic of some of the kids with Mr. Kit Kat, Sarah's favorite chocolate bar!

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