
Friday, July 27, 2012

Super Dad to the Rescue...Again!

It's been a rough week with all the non-sleeping, a very clingy baby(oh, why won't those teeth just come out already!), and taxi driving...especially the lack of sleep part!  I was hitting a wall today.  It wasn't a good day to hit a wall because I have to get ready for a short weekend trip we are taking.  It's not the best time for my brain to be on "sleep fog" mode...I'll end up forgetting something important!

On top of planning for the trip I also have to have everything picked out and ready to wear for family pictures we will be taking at Jay's parents' house a couple hours after we get back.  That's not an easy task either.

So, packing, prepping for pics....not to mention Jon's doctor appointment, grocery shopping, driving my parents and a couple of my kids down to the ferry to catch an earlier boat, driving Andrew to work, going to the bank, finishing the laundry and dishes and being ready to leave by late afternoon!!!  That's my day today!

I really needed to make muffins and cookies for Peter to bring with us.  Peter's on a dairy free, gluten free, yeast free diet so having enough snacks for him, especially when we are away from home, is very important!

Last night I asked Jay to help me with it in the morning.  He ended up cooking it all last night(and cleaning up the mess).  He didn't even start it until after 10...which is usually when he is asleep on the couch already!  He finished at 11:30.  A late night, but it will make for a much easier morning.

It was such a huge help and it took two important items off my to-do list!

Super Dad(and hubby:) to the rescue....yet again!

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