
Sunday, April 22, 2012

The College Search

Yesterday Andrew and I went to UMass Dartmouth for an open house.  I can't believe he will be a senior next year!

Andrew is a good sport.  Jay was busy with a committment for Ellie's softball team so I had to bring Kate with us.  What a surprise...Kate was the only baby there.  I have to say....she was extremely well behaved and well received(who doesn't love a pudgy baby with a gummy grin!)  What an interesting sight we made with an almost college student and an infant!

I really wasn't sure how Andrew would like the college.  The buildings are all made of gray stone and not very pretty to look at.  But Andrew didn't mind the buildings and liked the way the buildings were set up in a circle.  He felt it was less confusing and easy to figure out where everything was.

Andrew had been talking about teaching history, though he wasn't really sure.  Our friend, Tony, mentioned to Jay the other day that computer science was a great field with a lot of growth potential.  At the open house today, after a general introduction, you got to sit in a classroom with a professor from each of the majors they offer.  Andrew chose to go to the computer engineering presentation.  He wasn't really sure what it was.  The professor did a good job explaining the field.  There was also a senior that presented a short presentation of the project he did....voice control for people with disabilities to control their phone, lights, tv,etc.  He was trying to make a less expensive version of the technology on the market.  It was very interesting.  Andrew really liked it.  Since he is really good at math, maybe he has found his niche!?!

As hard as it is to see my children growing up, it is so neat to see them searching and finding their path in life.  It's exciting to see them taking charge of the direction they want to go in.(I'm grateful that so far they have made good choices and I continue to pray that they will stay on the path God intends for them...especially the more stubborn ones!)

After UMass, I drove to the Taunton Mall so Andrew could meet up with his "friend."  I'm pretty sure that dealing with college doesn't hold a candle to having to adjust to girlfriends...and God help Jay when we have to deal with boyfriends!  I actually feel bad for the boys that our daughters will someday bring home! 

But that's a post for another day:)...........

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