
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Finding My Passion

Do you know how some people have something that they do that truly excites them or motivates them?  For some people it might be their profession, or their hobby, or a sport they participate in, or a group they belong to.  I guess I picture a personal passion as something that a person is knowledgable about that inspires them to live life more fully.  I picture having a passion as something that, when shared, can inspire and uplift the people that come into contact with you.  

I admire the friends that I have that I see that in...whether they own their own business, or add beauty to the world with their talents with flowers, or create beautiful craft items, or share their knowledge and encourage women who are breastfeeding. 

My first passion is my family.  It's more than a's my vocation.  I am very blessed that God has given me the husband and the children that I have.  (One little munchkin is snuggled in my arms right now.)  There are certainly moments when I would love to click my heels and be transported to a tropical beach with a comfortable chair, a good book, and a drink in my hand!  But I really do love being a wife and mom.

I really like to read.  I especially like to read memoirs and books and articles about families and mothering and running a home.  I love to know others' ideas and the things that have worked for them...particularly moms of large families.  I also feel comforted when I read about their struggles and mistakes.  Let's face it, there is no perfection in being a wife and a mother!  It makes me feel better that other moms feel the way I do or have made dumb mistakes too.  It helps me to know that I am not alone.      

It often seems that when I am struggling with an issue with one of the kids or feeling bad about something about myself, that just the right book or article seems to makes its way into my life.  It's a little gift of hope that God sends into my life to encourage me or to console me or to teach me.  I would love the opportunity to do that share my experiences and my struggles to encourage others. 

This blog is my small attempt to share.  I am enjoying it.  I have no idea if someday it will lead to something bigger.  (I would love to write articles on parenting amd marriage for a magazine...especially the last page!  That is always my favorite article to read!)  For now, I am trying to just enjoy this moment and be happy that I finally took a baby step to start a blog! 

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