
Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I have been thinking about starting a blog for about a year now and finally got the courage, and made the time, to do it!  Starting to write has been on my heart for several years now, but it always seems like such an overwhelming concept that I give up before I even start!  A blog seems like the least scary way to here I am!(and very excited about it too!)

Most blogs seem to start with a little background, so.........
I have been married for almost 20 years to my wonderful, loving husband, Jay.  We were high school sweethearts that married during our first year of college and have been on this wild journey ever since!  We have had 9 children.  One of our children passed away almost 14 years ago and one of our children has special needs.  Though we have been through a lot together, we are still very much in love.  I am SO incredibly blessed to have him!

Our oldest son, Michael, is 19.  He is attending the local community college.  He plays basketball for the school and had a great first semester.  I am grateful for the delay in having to cope with the first child leaving the nest, though between school, basketball and work he is gone most days from 7:30 to 10:30.  Mike is a good kid and very loyal to his family.

Andrew is 17 and is a high school junior.  He is our runner. He is captain of the cross countryteam and runs winter and spring track.  Andrew is a very straight forward, introverted, literal person who has "come out of his shell" in high school and found enjoyment in the campus ministry and pro-life groups.

Jonathan is 16 and is a sophomore in high school.  Jon is also a basketball kid and plays for his school's JV team.  Jon is very outgoing and personable.  He is also the biggest tease in our family.  He earned that role when he was less than 18 months old and stole his brothers' cow and ran away with it with an enormous smile on his face!  Jon is also involved in his school's campus ministry and pro-life groups.

Sarah is almost 13.  She is a very easy going, sweet person.  She loves playing basketball for her school's CYO team(where she is not so sweet and easy going!  We think that's where she gets out all her aggression towards her older brothers!).  She is very creative and likes to make jewelry and crafts for people.  She is in 7th grade, a very good student and a huge help with her younger siblings.

Peter is 10.  Peter has autism...his official diagnosis is PDD-NOS.  Peter is a beautiful kid.  He has many special needs.  Parenting Peter can be exhilerating, but it is most often very challenging, especially with a large family!  He goes to school in a special classroom at a school in an adjacent town.

Ellen is 8 and in 3rd grade.  Ellie is a happy-go-lucky, loving girl who wears her emotions on her sleeve.  She loves to be the center of attention!  She likes to play basketball and softball. 

Luke is 2 and a 1/2.  After not having had a baby for six years we referred to him as our "bonus baby."  He is a very loved, very energetic boy.  He is a lot of fun and his older brothers love rough-housing with him and teaching him sports.(they taught him to dribble before he could run!)  He is a terrible sleeper, but has a great disposition!

Kathryn is 8 weeks old.  I call Kate our "bonus bonus baby".  Her sisters were thrilled to have another girl in our family.(So was I!  It's so much fun dressing little girls!)  So far, Kate seems very laid back and is a good sleeper.(Thank God!  I prayed for the entire pregnancy for her to be a good sleeper!)  

We also have a daughter in Heaven.  Therese was born the year before Sarah.  She had a genetic disorder and only lived for 16 days.  Her birth and death were heartbreaking, but God's Hand was clearly on us during her brief life and in our grief following her death. 

So, that's my family!  I chose the name for my blog because often, when friends ask me how everything is going, my answer is"Normal Chaos." 

Welcome!  I hope you enjoy a glimpse into my world!

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