
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Playing Catch Up

I have neglected ye ole blog!

It has just been a little too crazy.  Last week's killer migraine really took its toll on me.  I didn't feel right for several days.  Of course, part of the reason could have been because I also came down with a uti that I got some antibiotics for on Thursday afternoon.

It was a rough week!

It was extra busy with several hours on Friday and Saturday morning at a friend's helping her to purge/pack to get ready to put their house on the market.  I was also invited to another friend's 40th birthday girls' night out party on Saturday night!  I had to take a nap each day because I just couldn't hang!

For the birthday party, we went out for dinner at one of my favorite restaurants and then all did a painting class that is all the rage right now.  (Mine painting was terrible!  I have absolutely no artistic talent!  But it was fun trying something new:)  The dinner was great....and it has been a really long time since I ate at a restaurant.  Jay and I are waaaayyyyy overdue for a date night.

Sunday we celebrated Jay's dad's birthday....but I still got a nap in!

Monday was a better day for me....but now I have to play catch up with everything.  You know the's aren't allotted sick days!

I'm having a hard time shaking some negativity that has been slowly creeping in.  The peace and patience I've felt lately seems to have moved out overnight and I've regressed.  Involuntary penances like the internet not working and Peter taking my cell and leaving it somewhere after Jay put it on vibrate creates that cranky, impatient person that I haven't seen all that much in a while!

Guess I have more work to do!

I don't want to be the "Debbie Downer" of the blogging world, so that's been another reason for my blog absence.  I'm trying hard today to pray for a better perspective....and I'm sure an overdue trip to Confession this weekend will give me a much needed Grace boost!

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