
Friday, April 25, 2014

Friday is Here!

We made it to Friday of vacation week!  It's definitely been a full week!  We've been to the zoo, out for ice cream, a birthday party for Ellie with her friends, a disastrous daily Mass bc of Peter and Kate, surviving a rainy day, candy bar bingo, book club, and an unfortunate migraine yesterday afternoon.:(  Thankfully, it wasn't as bad as last time!  Tonight, Jay and I get to be grown-ups and go to the fundraising gala for Ellie and Luke's school.  I get to dress up and everything!

I'm linking up with Jen for Quick Takes Friday!  I'm going to share some really cute shots I got from our Easter preparation on Holy Saturday:)

1.  Baking
We made lots of special desserts for Easter.  In these pics the girls are making sugar cookies:)

2.  Outdoor Prep
Jay surprised me by ordering mulch after he and Jon raked out the front yard.  Luke was really eager to help and was able to maneuver a little wheelbarrow with a little mulch to do it just like the big boys!

Luke worked hard!  I love that I caught Jay drinking coffee in this pic and.....

in this pic!  Makes it look like Luke is doing all the work!lol

Back for more!

Just so you don't think that child labor was involved!  Dad worked super hard, too!
 3-7.  Coloring Easter Eggs
It's our family's tradition to color Easter eggs the day before Easter every year.  Even the big kids still enjoy getting in the fun! 
Jon and Luke(who was super excited!)

Mike and Jay...with the same grin.  There's no doubt they are father/son!

High five for egg success between Kate and Andrew!

Peter, who had been talking about coloring eggs for days, got in on the fun!

Sarah and Kate

 At one point in the egg decorating Luke became a super spaz!  I think it was a combination of his excitement over coloring eggs and a little sugar rush from the ice cream he had for dessert.  Luckily, I got the evidence on camera...these shots will be really fun to show him when he is a teenager!

What a goober!:)

I hope that your house has gotten over the sugar rush from Easter candy!  Have a great weekend:)

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