
Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Morning 2014

Easter Morning...our house

Mike's not a morning person.....

Jon thought that maybe the Easter Bunny hid an egg in his favorite ice cream...
he had a spoon in case he had to "dig the egg out".....:)

Sarah's proud egg creation before she exploded it in the microwave tried to eat it.

The older crew getting ready to go out for their special "money egg hunt" 

Kate trying on Sarah's shoes....did I ever mention that she has a shoe 'thing'?....
I think I'm blowing up this pic for her wedding day!

All the kiddos...don't miss Andrew blending into the background!

the boys
the girls

And the mishaps....Luke scraped his back being silly.  All eyes on Luke, except for Jon, who is still ready to snap the picture!  Ahh...the memories:)

Stay tuned for more Easter pics tomorrow!(or Wednesday if tomorrow is too crazy:)
Happy Easter!

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