
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter 2014, cont.

Our Easter is a 'hopping' one!  (sorry...I couldn't help myself:)  After our own family egg hunt in the early hours of Easter morning, we go to the 8 o'clock Mass.  When we get back from church, we head over to my parent's house for another little egg hunt and a short visit.  I forgot my camera and didn't get any pictures over there:(

Then we head over to have lunch with Jay's family.  The little kids have yet another egg hunt and my mother-in-law has special baskets made up for the kids.  I remembered my camera and got lots of family shots....which makes me feel really bad that I didn't get pics at my parents house!  I will have to do better next year!



Kate and Mya ignoring all the eggs and fighting over a toy!

Luke and buddies:)

Action group shot because getting them to pose wasn't going to happen!

Sarah, Julie, and Jay's mom with a goofy Mike

Couple shot

Dad and his girls

Brayden and my brother in law Robbie

Julie and her fiance, Tom.  Their last "single" Easter!
Wedding date is 10/25/2014:)

The guys

The girls

Mom and Jon

Mom and Mike

Mom and Peter

Mike and Jackie

Love the "duck" face

sister love:)

 After lunch and visiting, we went back to my mom's house.  My dad's side of the family were there and we got to visit.(and some of the teens crashed and napped!)

It was a full....and!

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