
Monday, January 13, 2014

Not a Stellar Weekend

I feel like I am arriving at Monday battered and bruised.

It was not a stellar weekend...and that is an understatement!

We found out late Friday afternoon that our pastor is being transferred in June.  That is a big blow for our parish and for our family.  Msgr. O'Connor arrived at our parish almost six years ago and has been a faithful and strong leader for our parish and school.  He has become like part of our own family, so having him transferred has left all of us grieving and hurting.

Luke has had a terrible sinus cold and cough since Wednesday.  He has spent most nights coughing and waking himself...and me...up multiple times.  He was running a fever overnight on Friday, so I ended up taking him to the doctor's Saturday morning to check his lungs.  (Mike is getting over pneumonia, so I wanted to make sure Luke was ok.)  Thankfully, his lungs were clear.

Kate, who has been SUPER clingy lately, started running a fever on Saturday afternoon.  She and Luke were both miserable all through Saturday night and all day Sunday.  I spent most of both days on the couch just holding Kate because that's the only thing she wanted to do.

It was a very.long.weekend.

Today is a new day.  Thankfully, the sun is out and Kate's fever broke.  Luke is coughing less and seems filled with extra energy today(!) so I think he should be all set for school tomorrow!

Emotionally, I'm still reeling a lot a bit.  There were lots of tears and somber faces at Mass yesterday.  Lots of people are hurting over the upcoming change and loss we are facing.  I feel overwhelmed by it because of all the changes in our own lives that we are already facing this year!  I already felt back-logged by all my feelings for the coming year....and now I feel really overwhelmed!


Life and changes are going to happen whether I want them to or not!  I've had past experience with just sticking my head 'in the sand' and hoping things go away and I know it doesn't work!  You just end up getting battered by the waves of life that roll in anyway!

So, I am working through my feelings...even the messy ones.  I am praying to find God's peace for myself, my family and all my friends and fellow parishioners that are hurting right now.

Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

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