
Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy Friday!

Linking up with Jen for 7 Quick Takes Friday!  I have lots of pictures to share:)

1.  What a Difference a Year Makes!
Christmas 2012
Christmas 2013

2.  An Even Bigger Difference!

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2013
3.  And Once Again....

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2013

4.  Funny Pic

Christmas Eve Silliness!
I wanted to take a pic of Jay with his older boys and this is what happened!
(Jay is feeding Jon cheesecake in case you were wondering!)

5.  More Sibling Silliness!
These pics need a little background.  Our kids exchange names with each other for secret Santa.  Andrew got Jon, and as part of his gift, Andrew framed some 'original artwork' that he found stuffed in one of his Pearls Before Swine books.  The paper is a drawing that Jon, Sarah, and Mike created on the plane ride on our way to Disney in April.  Of all the silly things they drew on the paper, one particular stood out and has become a household "legend"....the flying butt, created by Jon.(shocking isn't it....not!)
Jon was completely surprised...and overjoyed....with his gift!
Being the tease he is, Jon's gift to Sarah a few minutes later caused a few more laughs.  Jon wrapped up his man flops and, with all seriousness, told Sarah he was giving them to her.  A moment later, he started laughing at the look of confusion on Sarah's face and Sarah realized it was just a joke...and threw the sandal at him!  It's never dull at our house!  (His real gift to her was a special edition Sherlock Holmes book:)
Mike got Andrew a bacon bobble head...because he is crazy about bacon!

6.  New Year's Eve
So New Year's Eve was supposed to be pretty big in our house.  Jon had invited about 10 teens over and we had a few friends and their kids plus my sister and one of her friends coming over....about 38 people including us.  At 4pm, Jon started feeling sick.  At 5, we were all regretting that he had eaten bbq chicken pizza for lunch:(  So, we had to cancel everyone last minute:(

I tried to salvage the night and Sarah and I tagged team to still make some special food....coconut chicken, buffalo chicken taquitos, and piggies in a blanket.  We played Pandemic and Loaded Questions, but everyone fizzled out at 11.  Andrew went to bed, Sarah and Jay fell asleep on the couch, and Mike, Ellie and I were passing time to get to midnight.  Luke started fussing at 11:45, and I fell asleep getting him settled.   Only Mike and Ellie watched the ball drop!  A bit of a bummer to begin 2014:(

Kate looked really cute making piggies, though:)

7.  January 1, 2014
My mom has an open house every year on New Year's Day.  Jon stayed home and Andrew had to work, but the rest of us headed over.  I got some cute shots...

Kate with my grandfather, 'Pepere'

Luke and my nephew, Brayden

Luke being silly
I love(!) this pic of Luke!

Kate and my niece, Mya

Pretty girls!
And, last but not least......Daddy with his baby girl!

Happy Friday!

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