
Monday, January 27, 2014

A Healthy Weekend!

Oh my goodness!  It finally happened!  We had....wait for it(!).... A HEALTHY WEEKEND!

I can't believe it actually happened!

Jay spent time over the weekend making our laundry room more functional.  He cleaned out the items that belonged in the garage and then built large wooden shelves that doubled our storage space.  That room needed some serious help and this was a good start!  Now if only I can convince him to strip the wallpaper and paint it!

We got together with our friends, The Martins, on Saturday night.  It was so nice to talk to grown-ups!  (Jay and I kept commenting on that after they left.  It's amazing what isolation does to you!)  Our kiddos all had fun playing together, too!  Fun times all around:)

Sunday was Mass...and we all got to go together for the first time in a while.  Sunday night was supposed to be dinner out for our future brother-in-law's birthday, but his mom was sick so they had to cancel.  My in-laws still wanted to go out so we kept the dinner reservations.  Great food and more talking to grown-ups.

Today is much warmer and sporting some sunshine.  My friend, Carol, should be by any minute so we can get in a walk outside.  I know that this weather won't be staying, but I am taking advantage of it while it's here.

It's amazing how some sunshine and the ability to walk outside without your teeth chattering make such a big difference in one's mood!

I need to set up walking times with my friends once spring comes to get some exercise in!  I do not enjoy exercise but I know it's important.  I don't mind walking...especially with hopefully when the weather warms up I can make walking times a permanent part of my schedule!

I hope your week is off to a good start!

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