
Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Better Perspective

Luke started with a cold on Monday night.  This poor kid cannot catch a break!  Last night, he was sporting a low grade fever to accompany said cold.


Despite the vitamins he takes, Luke is a germ magnet!   I'm going to try some cod liver oil and vitamin D at the suggestion of my friend, Anne-Marie.  I need to boost this poor child's immune system.  I know the first year at school is usually rough, but this is ridiculous!

I started to slip and slide into a nice little pity party with myself.  The dark clouds from last week blew back in really quickly!  I had to cancel the weekly book club....again!  We have only met once since the week before Thanksgiving!

My exact words to Jay this morning were, "This house has become like a prison." was a little melodramatic, but it's where I was at in the moment!

Thankfully, I read one of the blogs that I subscribe to this morning....A Knotted Life.  The woman that writes the blog, Bonnie, has a huge devotion to Fulton Sheen because her son is one of the miracles being investigated to use for his canonization.  Because Bonnie frequently mentions Fulton Sheen, a 6th grade teacher that reads her posts sent her a prayer request for one of her students, Samantha.  Samantha was just diagnosed with stage 4 bone cancer that has spread all over her body.  Needless to say, she needs a miracle....and Samantha's family, class, and friends are praying to God through Fulton Sheen's intercession.

Well, after reading that, even a winter full of colds, fevers, strep throat and stomach viruses really aren't that important.  I needed a better, thank-you, God, for providing one.  Bonnie included a prayer for Samantha that I will share here.  If you feel so inclined, please join in.  Of course, we pray for her healing...but also the peace for Samantha, her family and loved ones to find peace in whatever God's will is.  Sometimes life is really hard...thankfully we don't have to do it alone!

Eternal Father, You alone grant us every blessing in Heaven and on earth, through the redemptive mission of Your Divine Son, Jesus Christ, and by the working of the Holy Spirit. 
If it be according to Your Will, glorify Your servant, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, by granting the favor I now request through his prayerful intercession: 
the complete healing of Samantha from cancer and the return of her health. 
I make this prayer confidently through Jesus Christ, our Lord. 

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