
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Making (another) List

The stomach bug continues to forge through our family.  Ellie came down with it this morning:(  I have still been feeling really nauseous every day, too.  Not fun:(

On a positive note, Kate and Luke are back to normal.  I did keep Luke home today just to make sure the diarrhea was gone.  He and Kate have been playing and we have all had good snuggle time watching cartoons.  It gave me a little extra rest.

The other 'sitting activity' I did was to go through the rest of my holiday cookbooks and solidify my menus for the holidays coming up.  Having a queasy stomach probably kept me from going overboard on the desserts!

Of course....the most important items on the list are the desserts!

Next Thursday will be 'baking day'.  We(meaning me and the girls) will bake a whole bunch of different cookies to give out to teachers, therapists, neighbors and family friends.  Here's the list:

surprise package cookies(sugar cookies with an Andes candy mint on the inside)
gingerbread men
molasses sugar cookies
chocolate snowballs
macaroon kisses
almond joy cookies
red velvet cookies
chocolate macaroon bars
striped ice box cookies
sugar cookies

Jay and the older boys hover around the kitchen to eat any 'cookie casualties'. :)

For our extended family Christmas gathering on the 21st, I'm making an apple pie, a chocolate cherry cheesecake(one of my favorites) and a truffle tree.  I found a few truffle recipes to make, too.  The truffle tree is something I found last month in the Taste of Home Magazine.  You take a 12 in. foam tree, cover it in aluminum foil and then use toothpicks to attach truffles all over.  A dessert and a centerpiece all at the same time!

I can't believe that Christmas is coming up so fast!  I really love all the planning and anticipation that goes into making it a special time of year!

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