
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Invasion of the Stomach Bug

The stomach bug continues to spread in our house:(

In the middle of the night, Kate threw up 3 times.  One of the times involved changing my bed sheets and both of our pajamas.  Not much fum...and not much sleep.

All of the hulabaloo woke up half of the house, too.  It took Luke a while to go back to sleep.  He is still having tummy he hasn't been in school all week.  His tummy seemed better until after lunch....I will save you from the details, but it's clear he still isn't 100%!

He was so tired today, too.  He got out of bed after 7 and promptly fell back asleep on the couch!
Poor little guy is just not himself!

Hopefully, we can all get healthy by the weekend.  My in-law's are all battling the stomach bug, too.  We are supposed to celebrate Kate's birthday on Sunday, but it might have to be postponed.  

On the bright side, since Kate took a terrific nap and Luke watched Wreck it, Ralph with Andrew, I got all of our wrapping finished!  I just need to add some ribbon and bows to a few things but everything else is done!  

Two weeks until Christmas, and the word of the week is simplify, simplify, simplify.  (And that's not really such a bad thing!)

Happy hump day!

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